Safety Plus
Leading innovation and service
for improved patient safety.
Our customers are asking for quality and the promotion of patient safety, not only in the initial purchase and use of our equipment but also throughout the lifetime of the device.
At PENTAX Medical, we are continuously engaged to improve our products and services towards infection prevention and patient safety. This is why, with continuous innovation and the Safety plus program, PENTAX Medical has decided to focus on the three most critical areas related to the Endoscopic biliopancreatic retrograde procedure (ERCP) clearly described in recent studies and publications1):
The elevator area of a duodenoscope is one of the most difficult components to clean. With the Removable Cap and now with the DEC™ Duodenoscope design, this challenge has been addressed and overcome by integrating the elevator into the disposable distal end cap.
O-ring sealing
A specific O-ring design provides sealing of the elevator mechanism and prevents body fluid and other fluids from entering into the completely sealed elevator wire channel. Proper functioning of this O-ring depends on its perfect condition.
Manual cleaning of an endoscope’s channel is key to ensuring reliable reprocessing as an end result. As such, with the new PROfILE single-use cleaning brushes, PENTAX Medical provides a verified and validated solution2) (performed by an independent laboratory) to improve confidence in the manual pre-cleaning outcome.
In response to the need for enhanced patient safety, PENTAX Medical is binding its duodenoscopes with the Safety Plus package for essential duodenoscope hygiene compliance inspections. This package includes:
- Annual service inspection of your duodenoscopes fleet
- Duodenoscope hygiene performance check
- Elevator mechanism sealing O-ring exchange annually
- Planned pick-up and delivery by PENTAX Medical
Your duodenoscope will always be kept “State of the Art”, reducing the risk of crosscontamination and providing reliable therapeutic performance for improved Patient Care.
1) Withdrawal of a novel-design duodenoscope ends outbreak of a VIM-2-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Verfaillie et al. Endoscopy 2015; 47: 493–502
2) Validated according to DIN EN ISO 17664 by an accredited independent laboratory